TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Do you drive your Z in the rain?
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Subject Do you drive your Z in the rain?
Posted by SadiqTT on February 12, 2005 at 6:17 PM
  This message has been viewed 289 times.
Message Well I'm away for school during the weak and hardly get a chance to take my baby out for a spin. So far I've never taken her out in the rain since I've bought her and the previous owner didn't drive in the rain either.
...So I was wondering how many of you guys will drive your cars in rainy or damp weather. Granted this question is geared towards people who own more than one car.

  1. Never....
  2. Once in a great while...if I have too.
  3. Regularly. It's my only car.
  4. It's just a car, who it whenever.
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